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Take care of your liver health with Elán Med Center

Avoid developing fatty liver by taking precautions now

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What is the fatty liver?

It is caused by excessive accumulation of fat or triglycerides in the liver, known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) or steatohepatitis. This can be caused by an excess of carbohydrates, glucose, alcohol, or fructose, including those from fruits. The buildup of fat can lead to inflammation, cell death, and scarring.

After suffering from fatty liver for a few years, it can progress to chronic liver diseases such as cirrhosis and eventually terminal liver disease, where the only solution is a liver transplant. Fatty liver is currently the leading cause of liver transplants.

The FDA has not approved any medication for treating this disease yet in allopathic medicine. However, Anti-Aging medicine has been treating it with great success.

Functions of the Liver

One of the functions of the liver is to receive blood from two different blood vessels: the hepatic artery, which supplies oxygenated blood from the heart, and the portal vein, which carries nutrient-rich blood from the intestines.

From this, other processes occur, such as:

  • Synthesis of vitamins and mineral salts, transforms glucose into glycogen as an immediate reserve of energy, keeps the blood clean

  • Regulates the levels of chemical substances in the blood such as hormones. 

  • Production of bile, which helps carry waste and break down fats in the small intestine during digestion.

  • Converts excess glucose to storage glycogen (glycogen is then converted back to glucose for energy) and balances and manufactures glucose as needed.

  • Processing of hemoglobin for the use of its iron content (iron is stored by the liver).

  • All the blood that leaves the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The liver processes, breaks down, and balances this blood.

  • Production of cholesterol and special proteins to help transport fats throughout the body. 

  • Produces glutathione, the most powerful antioxidant, protects the cell from aging.

  • The liver is involved in the metabolism of multiple hormones (testosterone-alcohol).

  • Converts T4 to T3, without this there is no good thyroid metabolism.

  • Some traces of hepatic abnormalities, particularly those autoimmune-based, may be associated with endocrine involvement (eg, immune thyroid disease). Resistance to infection by elaboration of immunity factors and elimination of bacteria from the bloodstream.

  • Regulation of amino acid levels in the blood, which are the building blocks of proteins.

Causes of Fatty Liver

  • Sweetened beverages are at great risk of contracting Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver as demonstrated by the study in children by Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition where it was found: 10% of children in the United States suffer from it years old, 17% of young people 15-19 years old and 30% adults. 38% of obese children suffer from it, with which in adulthood they will need a liver transplant.

  • Fat in food does not cause insulin to be secreted from the pancreas, sugar and carbohydrates do.

  • The good fat in food is burned, not stored, unless it is accompanied by carbohydrates, then it is the well-known "sweet fat", with bread and butter, French fries or a donut.

  • The use of medications causes an inflammatory action in the liver by accumulating.

  • The urine is darker in the morning.

  • The whites of the eyes turn slightly yellow, the eyelids become swollen and itchy.

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How to take care of your liver?

Due to fat-burning hormones having their effects through the liver, it is impossible to burn fat without a healthy liver. That's why the first step is DETOXIFICATION, which can be achieved through juice fasting and intermittent fasting.

It takes 2 to 6 months to achieve a completely flat stomach. Initially, you start losing weight from the fluids stored in the abdominal area, followed by fat loss.

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